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Test Topic

‘Client Data’ means any information that the Client or their customers enter into the website and is stored in the database.

‘Client Website’ means the website currently located at the address specified in the Schedule or Proposal.

‘Component’ means a mini web based software application that either stands alone or integrates with other Mintox components.


‘Confidential Information’ means all information disclosed by either party to the other and nominated as confidential which information is not already in the public domain including, but not limited to, all trade secrets and confidential know-how relating to a party’s customers, businesses, sales, marketing or promotional information, client and prospective client details, product and service pricing and pricing models, software and software source and object codes, data, operational policies and procedures, business and marketing strategies, plans and campaigns.

‘Consulting’ mean any consultation services requested by the Client outside of the Proposal such as website analysis and advice.

‘Contact Person’ means the person within the Client that is the primary contact between the Client and Clue Design as set out in the Schedule or Proposal.

‘Corporate Domain License’ means a license to use the software granted to a corporation over the domain specified in the Schedule or Proposal.

‘CPI’ means the Consumer Price Index - All groups, for the City of Perth as published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

‘Custom Component’ means a mini web application developed specifically for the needs of a particular end user.

‘Custom Software Development’ means development of a custom software application or a custom Mintox component.

‘Defect’ is a replicable error in the software that causes the application to crash to code or produce incorrect values.

‘Developments’ means further developments made by Clue Design to the Client Website.

‘Development Stages’ means the stages of development of the Client Website as set out in the Schedule or in the Proposal.

‘Documentation’ means Clue Design’s documentation (if any) provided to the Client as specified in the Proposal.

Category: Dashboard